Debt Management

Debt Management Strategy: Prefunding Major Purchases

After you make steps towards paying down your debt, you probably want to remain as debt-free as possible, and there are strategies to help you do so. One effective strategy is prefunding major purchases. A simple formula can help you plan for major purchases (from vehicles to vacations) without incurring any additional debt.

Vehicle Purchase Example

If you plan to purchase a vehicle in the future, and just assumed you would take out a loan in order to finance it, consider using this strategy instead.

Let’s assume that you generally drive a vehicle for 10 years before replacing it. This gives you 10 years, or 120 months, until you plan on purchasing a replacement vehicle. Likewise, if there are two drivers in your family, and each plan on driving their vehicle for 10 years, you would essentially be replacing a vehicle every 5 years, or 60 months. Let’s also assume that the replacement vehicle will cost approximately $30,000 and you plan to get $5,000 for your trade in. This leaves you with approximately $25,000 for your replacement vehicle. So, you have 120 months to save for a purchase that will cost you $25,000. If you divide $25,000 by 120 months, that works out to $208.33 per month. If you deposit $208.33 each month into a money market savings account or other appropriate account specifically earmarked for vehicle purchases, you should be able to purchase your next car with cash.

The Basic Formula:

Total $$$ Needed (divided by)

Number of months before $$$ are needed (equals)

$$$ to save each month

Here is the math for our example:

Cost of replacement vehicle (minus) Credit from trade-in (equals) Total cost of replacement vehicle

$30,000 - $5,000 = $25,000

Total cost of replacement vehicle (divided by) Number of months before purchase (equals) Monthly amount to put into savings account marked for vehicle purchase

$25,000/120 = $208.33

You can use this strategy for anything you would by on credit or with a loan and pre-fund so you can make the purchase debt-free.

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Published for the blog on February 22, 2024 by Allos Investment Advisors®, LLC.


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