Budgeting and Saving

Strategic Budgeting

Do you ever find yourself worrying if you will have funds available to make it to your next paycheck?

Or, are you the type who tracks every expense and knows exactly how much you have and how much you will need to get through each month?

One step that can help ease financial stress is by tracking your income and expenses with strategic budgeting.

Strategic Budgeting involves taking a close look at the income you have coming in the door and tracking what’s going out the door. When tracking income, be sure to include all sources that bring money in the door, not just your regular income. When tracking expenses, being as specific as possible can help you account for purchases that might not seem so obvious. Don’t forget to include those pesky ‘once-in-a-while’ expenses that might not be part of your everyday living, but may occur once a year or every few years. This way, you remember to budget for them before they come due.

Once you have totaled these figures, you can determine if you have a monthly surplus (extra money left over to plan for) or deficit (overspending caused by living beyond your means). After you have a picture of what you earn and spend, you can prioritize your spending and get closer to a budget that helps you accomplish your financial goals!

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Published for the blog on January 24, 2024 by Allos Investment Advisors®, LLC.


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