Retirement Planning

2021 Retirement Confidence Survey Highlights

Do your retirement dreams match your reality?

That's perhaps the most critical question to ask people who are currently retired. Was your retirement what you expected, or was it something else?

For more than 30 years, the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) has conducted the Retirement Confidence Survey, which gauges the views and attitudes of working-age and retired Americans regarding retirement and their preparations for retirement.

Part of the survey takes a deep dive into workers' expectations for sources of income in retirement versus retirees' actual income sources.

Here's a couple of highlights of the 2021 survey.

Only 33% of workers expect Social Security to be a significant source of retirement income. In reality, 62% of retirees say it's a major source.

Further, more than 50% of workers believe workplace retirement savings plans will be a significant source of retirement income. But the 2021 survey found workplace plans are a major source for only 20% of retirees.

Surprised? We're not. These numbers are consistent year after year. Here's another nugget to consider: 26% of workers plan to work for pay in retirement. In reality, only 7% of retirees do.

For most, retirement is the "next chapter" in life. It's critical that your finances support your retirement vision, so there are no surprises when it's your turn.

Let us know if there's a change in your retirement dream. We'd welcome the chance to hear what prompted the difference and talk through needed adjustments in your financial strategy.

If you are not currently working with a financial advisor, now would be a great time to find a team to help guide you toward reaching your goals. We would be happy to speak with you any time.


Employee Benefit Research Institute, 2021 Retirement Confidence Survey

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Published for the blog on June 10, 2021 by Allos Investment Advisors, LLC.


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