Financial Planning

Checklist: Master List of Goals for Financial Planning

Goal setting is fundamental to sound financial planning. It is essential to identify and prioritize objectives. Sometimes, you may have difficulty expressing and assigning precedence to your goals. Or, you may simply overlook a need or objective.

In response to this challenge, we’re offering a Master List of Goals checklist. This resource is inspired by the work of Ray Sin, Ph.D.; Ryan O. Murphy, Ph.D.; and Samantha Lamas, who authored “Goals-Based Financial Planning: How Simple Lists Can Overcome Cognitive Blind Spots” in the Journal of Financial Planning.

Goals can change. Even changes that seem modest can affect your financial plan.

Sometimes it can be helpful to work with a tool that allows you to frame your priorities as they relate to:

  • Retirement and lifestyle goals
  • Tax planning & healthcare goals
  • Self-development and professional goals
  • Estate planning and wealth transfer goals

Take a moment and consider the questions included in “Master List of Goals.” Whether you answer “YES” to one question or several questions, let’s talk.

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Published for the blog January 16, 2023 by Allos Investment Advisors®, LLC.


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