Financial Planning

Checklist: What Issues Should I Consider if I Lose My Job?

By Jessica Searcy Kmetty

Few life events are more stressful than a job loss. Whether you are facing an imminent job loss or have already found yourself unemployed, there are many things you will be considering.

First step, take a breath.

The stress of your job loss will probably feel overwhelming at first, so it’s important to take a moment of calm to assess your situation. By working through the situation piece by piece, you may be able to tackle it and even come out better on the other side.

This checklist, “What Issues Should I Consider if I Lose My Job?” can help you get started on walking through your options. If there is anything we can do to help you at this time, just let us know!

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Published for the blog on September 29, 2021 by Allos Investment Advisors, LLC.


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