Diantha Lemon
Financial Planning Associate
"Money is a tool to achieve our goals."
I grew up in rural Utah as the youngest of eight children. Resources and finances were scarce in our family, but we learned how to make our own way for provisions. From the age of 14, I worked every summer in my dad’s construction business and continued this into college. I watched every day how hard my dad worked and I tried to follow his example. Of course, he can still outwork me, but the lesson remains. I learned the lesson that nothing happens if you don’t put in the work and have applied it throughout my life.
Being frugal in my family was important. When I started earning money working with my dad and had the new responsibility of managing my own expenses, I had to work at balancing my needs today and saving for the future. It was up to me to use my money for its best purpose and while that used to mean being very frugal in every aspect, I have also learned the balance that some things are worth spending money on, some areas of spending can be minimized if they don’t match my values, and money is one of the greatest tools you can use to achieve your goals. Is it any surprise that I started my career as a math teacher? These concepts are engrained in my life.
One thing I’m doing to make the world better: Taking an approach of discovery and understanding toward the people around me. Perspective is so important and I always ask myself why people might think the way the do, even if it’s different from my opinion and perspective.
One thing I’m doing to help the planet: Composting. I’m still learning, so the compost I’ve made so far isn’t the best, but I’m trying!
Outside of work, my passions include: Learning continually, whether for pleasure or purpose, and strengthening my relationships with those around me.
One goal I’m saving for: Buying a home.
The best thing I’ve done to advance my career knowledge: Complete my master’s degree.