Tamara Stelting
Chief Operating Officer & Chief Compliance Officer
"Yes, I Can!"
I look back at my life and see the accomplishments of a child who was once labeled “crippled.” At the age of five, I had 5 surgeries to reconstruct my hip. If you’ve ever had a child who needed medical attention, especially prolonged attention, you know how hard it is to keep an energetic child cooped up and working toward recovery. For as long as I can remember, the concept of “Yes, I Can!” has been the focus of my goals in life, but as a young child, I had to understand that the path may not be exactly how I envisioned and find contentment knowing the journey speed will vary and the path can change. Through confidence from my physicians, encouragement from my parents and the competitive drive from my siblings, I fostered the “Yes, I Can!” attitude. I didn’t let pain or fear or anything else stand in my way and I love seeing how embracing that motto has guided me through the ever-changing path of life.
Now, I have the ability to help others live this motto by honing the skills of the teams I work with and making sure things are accomplished in a positive manner, overcoming obstacles as they arise and finding creative solutions to unique needs. My “Yes, I Can!” became a “Yes, We Can!” and for a woman who loves sport, the ability to impact a team is a very fulfilling role in life.
One thing I’m doing to help the planet: Planting a butterfly garden.
One thing I’m doing to build into my community: I love to support local bands, performers and musicals.
One goal I’m saving for: Traveling to see my kids.
How old is the oldest pair of shoes in your closet? 27 yrs old.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to enter the financial industry? You will never stop learning about the financial industry. Be passionate about making a difference for others no matter what role you are in.
Best concert you ever attended? Garth Brooks in KC in 2007